Message from Principal

Message from Principal

The hallmark of a good education lies in its ability to inspire individuals throughout their lives. At RDPS, we offer a unique academic pangea to its pupils amidst a stimulating learning environment. We strive to nurture individualism, imagination and innovation in them, thus allowing them to experience their educational journey as a self-fulfilling and self-enriching process. The international dimension in our curriculum prepares our students for the global world. We treasure dynamism and hone in our students the 12-Cs of Confidence, Creativity, Clarity, Calmness, Competence, Courageousness, Culture, Cosmopolitanism, Communication, Constructivism, Commandership, and Curiosity.

We engage students in a meaningful learning process that sculpts their burgeoning talents to perfection.  Our vision gives us the motivation to shape successful lives for our students. It is our commitment that RDPS will stride ahead with pride in its quest for excellence in the field of education. There are challenges ahead, but as I often say, “Together we can and we will make a difference.”

Mrs. Anjali Kotnala